Abstract classes

Abstract classes are useful for defining interfaces, often with some implementation.

Abstruct class in nature cannot be instantiated. Means that you cannot create object directly from it. You must define another class that extends the abstruct class, and then create object from that subclass. Use abstruct keyword to define a abstruct class:

abstract class class_name {
  // Body of abstract class

An abstruct class can contain methods that are either abstruct methods or normal class methods.

Abstruct methods are those which doesn't have a body. It ends with a semicolon after the function signature. Abstruct methods can only appear within an abstruct class. A normal class cannot have a abstruct method.

void talk (); // Abstract method
void walk (); // Abstract method

Normal classes can extend the abstract class, but they have to override every abstract method. You can also create normal methods in the abstract class. And to override normal method is not mandatory. The abstract class will only complain when you don’t override the abstract method.

abstract class Person{
	void walk();  //Abstract Method
	void talk();  //Abstract Method
class Jay extends Person{
	void walk() {
		print("Jay can walk");

	void talk() {
		print("Jay can talk");
	Jay jay = new Jay();

Jay can talk
Jay can walk