let message:string = "Hello World"; console.log(message);
This is how you define variable. let is a keyword to define a variable in JS. message
is the variable name and string
is the type of the variable. And it's data must be variable. Trying to assign any value other than string will give you compile error.
let variableName
let variableName
= value;
TypeScript ignores spaces, tabs, and newlines that appear in programs. You can use spaces, tabs, and newlines freely in your program and you are free to format and indent your programs in a neat and consistent way that makes the code easy to read and understand.
TypeScript is case-sensitive. This means that TypeScript differentiates between uppercase and lowercase characters.
Semicolons are optional. But it is always good practive to end a statement with a semicolon.
// Single line Comment /* Multi Line */ Comment